Latest Ways to Make Money on your Facebook Page has been a question asked by many people who use facebook.
Content creators and publishers can use a variety of different monetisation tools to earn money on Facebook. Depending on your audience and the kinds of content you produce, you can find a combination that works for you.
Page eligibility
You need to meet eligibility criteria to use monetisation tools, and some tools might have additional requirements. Review which Pages are eligible and apply for access. You’ll receive an email after your application has been reviewed.
Ways to Monetise Your Page
1. In-stream ads for on-demand
In-stream ads for on-demand are short ads that you can include in your videos to earn money.
Short ads that you can include in your uploaded videos to earn money.
It is best for Uploaded videos and Content suitable for ads.
With in-stream ads, creators making longer, authentic content can earn money by inserting ads into qualifying videos. There are three types of ad placements that can be inserted into your content: pre-roll, mid-roll and image ads.
You decide which videos you want to monetise, and then when we tailor the ad experience to the viewer based on where they’re watching. To make the most of in-stream ads, follow our best practices and leverage Creator Studio to better understand performance.
-600,000 total eligible minutes viewed in the last 60 days
-5 active videos on your Page
Overlay ads
By on-boarding to in-stream ads, you’re automatically eligible to monetise your reels on Facebook with overlay ads. No need to opt in if you currently use in-stream ads, the reels you share publicly on Facebook are automatically eligible to monetise with overlay ads. Check your eligibility for in-stream ads to start using overlay ads in your Facebook reels.
Monetise your reels on Facebook with dynamic overlay ads, and earn ad revenue when ads are shown on your Facebook reels.
To Earn money with in-stream ads
Mid-roll ads are shown to a viewer during a video and work best within a video that has natural breaks in your content to place your ads, or you can choose your own placements.
2. Fan subscriptions
Create a subscription for your Page and earn a monthly income. Choose a monthly price, offer exclusive benefits and grow the community of people who subscribe to support you.
Create a subscription for your Page and earn a monthly income. Choose a monthly price, offer exclusive benefits and grow the community of people who subscribe to support you.
It is best for
-Creators and brands with a large, active following
-Creators and brands with additional value to offer to subscribers.
Subscriptions allow your audience to up-level their support for you and your work. You receive consistent, predictable monthly earnings, and your subscribers become easily identifiable, helping you connect more deeply with your audience.
Thank your audience by deciding to add additional benefits as part of your subscription, such as subscriber-only lives, special discounts or a subscriber-only group. Tailor the supporter experience in a way that’s authentic to your brand, style and community!
To Earn money with subscriptions
You can promote your subscription by adding a subscriber CTA (call-to-action) button to any post that you create.
3. Stars
Stars are a virtual good that let you earn money and interact with your followers. Meta pays for the stars that you receive.
Viewers can purchase Stars and send them to you during broadcasts to show support. Facebook pays you for the Stars that you receive.
It is best for Creators with an active following.
Currently invitation-only.
Facebook Stars is a feature that allows you to monetise your stream. Viewers can buy Stars and send them to you while you’re streaming. Fans can also send animated, virtual gifts attached to different Star amounts that will appear in your stream. For every star you receive, Facebook will pay you USD 0.01.
You will be alerted in chat when a viewer sends you Stars. You can track your total Star count in Creator Studio under Stars stats.
In some cases, viewers will not be able to send you Stars. The following countries do not support the ability to send Stars:
North Korea
South Korea
4. Instant Articles
Monetise your articles with this fast-loading native format preferred by readers.
It best for article publishers with quality content and active readership.
With Instant Articles, you can view insights to understand ad earnings and track revenue lift, use CTA units, extend direct sold ads, fill available ad inventory with Facebook’s Audience Network and create native branded content. For publishers with subscriptions businesses, we offer subscriptions and paywall features in Instant Articles.
5. Paid online events
Earn money by hosting events online that guests can pay to attend.
6. In-stream ads for Live
Include short ads in your Live and previously live videos to earn money. You decide which videos you want to monetise with pre-roll, mid-roll or image ads, then when we tailor the ad experience to your viewers based on where they’re watching.
Short ads that you can include in your live or previously live videos to earn money.
It is best for
-Live broadcasts or previously live videos
-Content suitable for ads
600,000 total eligible minutes viewed in the last 60 days, including at least 60,000 eligible live minutes viewed
Five active videos on your Page, including at least three previously live videos.
Check your page eligibility
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