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Essentials of Consistency in Business 2021 by Gabriel-Wealth Olatuja

Essentials of Consistency in Business by Gabriel-Wealth Olatuja

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Working consistently towards a goal will have you not only achieve it in time but will also reveal greatness in the process.

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In business, it’s hard to acquire new customers. It’s harder to sustain them. Your potential and existing customers want to always see a prolonged consistency before they can trust you and become your advocate.

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Essentials of Consistency in Business  – Courage

A Part of courage is simple consistency.

You cannot say “I am courageous” and you cannot be consistent. If you have the courage to keep going, only then you can be consistent.

COURAGE is required if one must be consistent in what one does.

You need to believe in what you do. That’s where the courage comes. The courage will bring about the passion, the inner drive and energy.

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Nothing is more effective than consistency when it comes to making your company, or your performance, stand out.

Consistency is the habit that leads to success in business. It’s a habit that must be cultivated.

In a business, consistency means that you’re organized, and customers know what to expect from you in terms of product or service delivery.

Where there’s consistency, there is usually productivity.

 So to be productive, you must be consistent in the way you plan and implement your plans.

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Why is consistency key to business success?

Being consistent allows you to build trust and deliver your products or services efficiently and profitably.

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How to show more consistency in business
1. Ensure your efforts are aligned.

Every decision and action you take should contribute to accomplishing a greater purpose for your business.

2. Define your goal – and stick to it!

Don’t run a business without a goal.

Define your business goal. Your goal must be SMART

  • S-Specific (simple, sensible, significant).
  • M-Measurable (meaningful, motivating).
  • A-Achievable (agreed, attainable).
  • R-Relevant (reasonable, realistic and resourced, results-based).
  • T-Time bound (time-based, time-limited, time/cost-limited, timely, time-sensitive).
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3. When you make a plan, see it through.

Don’t work without a plan.

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Have a timely plan and ensure you achieve them.

4. Analyse the results of your efforts

It is crucial to remember that it often takes time to see the results of your efforts. If your business processes, sales, and marketing efforts are inconsistent, you receive wavering results.

Essentials of Consistency in Business. Check our posts for more tips.